ohrenhoch presents on
Sunday 18 March 2012, 2pm - 9pm
Sunday 8 and 15 April 2012, 2pm - 9pm
Speaker Flowers
Sound Objects
by Yan Jun
Yan Jun on 'Speaker Flowers':
Speaker Flower is Yan Jun's speaker system as instrument. Alongside of music event, he also use it for sound installation. It's only able to playback tiny sounds and they have no bass. More Speaker Flowers can be set on long cables as vine, to spread in space. It's cheap and easy.
Over the Speaker Flowers you hear two new pieces by Yan Jun:?
– Berlin_Seeds: Recorded by Duan Xiaolin at nice tune studio. Sounds of cracking sunflower seeds (my favorite snack).
– Berlin_Wind: recorded at home on a windy day which is Yuanxiao festival. Firecrackers can be heard occasionally.
The richly illustrated booklet "Speaker Flowers" with an interview by Knut Remond with Yan Jun by e-mail, biography and description in Englisch and German is published in limited edition (10 copies), available at 'ohrenhoch'.
The Speaker Flowers can be bought individually.
Yan Jun
born in 1973. Based in Beijing. He makes sound by cheap and easy way. He works with field recording and site specific sound. Trying to trigger his audience to be with the freedom of nowhere. As improviser he uses the feedback system to observe the balance of sound at performing situation.