To hear on Sunday 1 and 8 September 2013, 2pm - 9pm:
Blood Transfusion
by Sharkiface
Curator: Knut Remond
Sharkiface on her piece 'Blood Transfusion':
'Blood Transfusion' is a synth piece gleaned from the head space following the near fatal bike accident of San Francisco's Jay Korber, drummer of Burmese, Ettrick, Orhima and Nuclear Deathwish (and Sharkiface's boyfriend) who suffered massive hemorrhaging and underwent a blood transfusion involving 5x the bodies worth of blood due to a badly broken pelvis. Sounds from this piece were made on virtual synths in the ICU by Korber and Sharkiface and cut up, layered and composed by Sharkiface in the days following. Some live versions of the piece involve samples of Korber drumming along with the pulmonary system in action. Other versions are more simple cut up synthesizer compositions.
Oakland, CA's Angela Edwards, aka Sharkiface, explores variations of electro-acoustic texture while manipulating layers of grainy electronics, field recordings, vocal incantations and live loops all pulsating with a dark and brooding sensuality. Since 1999, Sharkiface has toured the US, Europe and Japan playing with many of the stalwarts of the international noise scene. She has been a member of or associate of many bands including Tarantism, Diatric Puds and the Blobettes, Pigs in the Ground, Jeweled Snakes, Tainted Pussy,Demon Face, Di Seta Scura, Crack: We Are Rock, Smegma, Laundryroom Squelchers, Caroliner, 16 Bitch Pile-up, Replicock, and many others forgotten to time and/or unscrupulous evenings of indulgence. Edwards is also the den mother, and former longtime resident of West Oakland's Life Changing Ministry, a former church in the heart of the ghetto and one of the Bay Area's top underground venues for Experimental sounds.