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Springtime Encounters Aliens

Springtime Encounters Aliens  

The ohrenhoch-Youngsters present the work "Springtime Encounters Aliens" on the permanent loudspeaker installation at 'ohrenhoch – the Noise Shop' in conjunction with the 'Frühlingserwachen' ('Spring Awakening') festival 2011.

Director: Knut Remond

During the 'Frühlingserwachen' ('Spring Awakening') festival 2010, the ohrenhoch-Youngsters presented their successful audio play "The Flying Sound Carpet", and now comes their second coup "Springtime Encounters Aliens".

Saturday 26.03.2011, 19:00 – 22:00 *
Sunday 27.03.2011, 14:00 – 21:00 *
Sunday 03.04.2011, 14:00 – 21:00 *>

in conjunction with the 'Spring Awakening' festival in Reuterkiez in Berlin-Neukölln

The ohrenhoch-Youngsters meet every Saturday at ohrenhoch.

The youngsters are children between the ages of 5 and 8.

Various sound and/or noise instruments are played, discovered, and tried out either in groups or individually.

The spectrum of sounds ranges from synthesizer to instruments that the ohrenhoch-Youngsters built themselves.

The voice is also an important instrument, especially in order, e.g., to recognize how the voice is altered by means of various electronic effect devices.


Springtime Encounters Aliens is an audio play or loop that is composed of a continuum of individual clips. In this piece, the ohrenhoch-Youngsters played with a small synthesizer (analog/digital) without a keyboard, named the "Mopho" (from Dave Smith Instruments).

The set and/or instruments used in "Springtime Encounters Aliens" consists of the "Mopho" synthesizer, which is looped using a mixing console with effects and a microphone.

The recording was created between January and March 2011.The piece was put together by Knut Remond, who is also the initiator and director of the School for Acousmatic Music 'ohrenhoch – the Noise Shop'.