Am 13. Kunst- und Kulturfestival "48 Stunden Neukölln",
17. - 19. Juni 2011,
und am 22., 25. und 26. Juni 2011:
"ohrenhoch-Land" - a picture-sound-journey by and with the ohrenhoch-Kids
Luxury is just young people changing the world!
ohrenhoch-Land am 13. Kunst- und Kulturfestival "48 Stunden Neukölln":
Friday 17.06.11 19 – 23 Uhr [ohrenhoch-Kids Live 19 - 21 Uhr]
Saturday 18.06.11 14 – 23 Uhr [ohrenhoch-Kids Live 14 – 16 / 17 – 20 Uhr]
Sunday 19.06.11 14 – 21 Uhr [ohrenhoch-Kids Live 14 – 16 / 17 – 19 Uhr]
ohrenhoch-Land ist eines der 'Highlights' des Festivals und ist nominiert für den Kunst- und Publikumspreis.
Weitere Daten und Zeiten:
Mittwoch 22.06.11 17 – 20 Uhr [ohrenhoch-Kids Live 17 - 19 Uhr]
Samstag 25.06.11 17 – 20 Uhr [ohrenhoch-Kids Live 17 - 20 Uhr]
Sonntag 26.06.11 14 – 21 Uhr [ohrenhoch-Kids Live 17 - 19 Uhr]
Photo credits: Knut Remond, Katharina Moos
Instruction - How can I get to ohrenhoch-Land?
You are received at 'ohrenhoch - the Noise Shop' by the ohrenhoch-Kids and equipped with giant ears for the journey to ohrenhoch-Land on board of the "Ohlteck".
With the comfortable virtual "Ohlteck" one flies from Berlin-Neukoelln to ohrenhoch-Land and back again, across 8 different travel routes.The ohrenhoch-Kids, with their music compositions (live electronics), will send you on an acoustic floating journey. The journey goes across continents and countries, and finally the Ohlteck will land in ohrenhoch-Land.The travel routes are distinguished on the flyer. The visitors can choose one of the 8 different travel routes. The luxury round trip Neukoelln – ohrenhoch-Land costs incredible 20 cent!!!
ohrenhoch-Land is a planet, a continent, a land, a city, a village, a street and a field path. One encounters many birds and rabbits. In the Ohlteck one travels luxuriously. (ohrenhoch-Kids)
Auf YouTube: ohrenhoch Land Reise "B" |
Die ohrenhoch-Land Flyer |
Knut Remond, June/September 2011