ohrenhoch presents:
Audio piece by the ohrenhoch-Kids Youngsters of 5 to 7 years of age
Cooperation and direction: Knut Remond
Saturday, 23 March 2013, 5pm - 9pm?at the festival Frühlingserwachen
and on the ohrenhoch Sundays
24 and 31 March, 2pm - 9pm
"ohrenhoch - the Noise Shop" is a space for the presentation of international Sonic Art, and an Audio School for children from 5 to 14 years old. ohrenhoch exists since 2008. Founder, curator and artistic director: Knut Remond.
In the Sound Gallery, over a particular sound-architectural (loudspeaker) installation, every Sunday a fixed media work is presented in loop mode from 2pm to 9pm. A special focus is thereby on the perception of a single work, removing beginning or end of the piece. ??In the Audio School, the ohrenhoch-Kids learn to express their own ideas in noises and sounds, on fixed media and with sound installations. The ohrenhoch-Kids theirselves record the sounds, cut and mix them, and so create their own projects. The pedagogical basis is to meet the children at equal eye level and as fully-fledged members of the society.
"Die unsichtbare Elsa" is an audio piece with sounds from the Berlin-Schönefeld Airport, and with the voices of the ohrenhoch-Kids Youngsters.
The ohrenhoch-Kids Youngsters went to the Berlin-Schönefeld Airport, with audio recorders and headphones. There they took their individual positions for the audio recordings with the digital recorders (ZOOM H2).
Their idea was to make recordings of people and crowds of people in the hall of the airport - and of the diverse languages and ways of expression specifically.
After that the ohrenhoch-Kids Youngsters recorded the starting and takeoff of the aircrafts at the observation deck .??In a further process, with their voices and together with the recordings at the airport, the ohrenhoch-Kids Youngsters completed their witty and great audio piece "Die unsichtbare Elsa".
The composition "Die unsichtbare Elsa" on the one hand is divided in the sequences of the individual ohrenhoch-Kids Youngsters, but on the other hand it is a whole composition. The audio piece is played back in loop mode on the fixed loudspeaker installation.
Elsa Track 1 from invisible Elsa
Jacob Track from invisible Elsa
Minze und Flugzeug Track from invisible Elsa
Art Director: Knut Remond